1. What are new features of C#3.0?
Implicitly Typed Local
Using "Var" keyword we can declare implicit type
variable. In implicitly typed local variable declaration, the type of the local
variable being declared is inferred from the expression used to initialize the
int a = 5;
var b = 6;
var c = "myName";
Console.WriteLine("'b': "
+ b.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("'c': "
+ c.GetType());
Object and Collection
In this new features we can initialize the members of the object
using { and } parenthesis and separated by commas. Each member to which we are
initializing should be accessible field or property, followed by an equal's
sign and an expression or an object or value.
public class Employee
string _empID;
public string EmpID
get { return _empID; }
set { _empID = value; }
string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
long _salary;
public long Salary
get { return _salary; }
set { _salary = value; }
//Object and Collection Initializers
Employee _emp = new Employee() { EmpID =
"1001", Name = "Sam", Salary = 10000 };
Anonymous Types
In c# 3.0, we can create an object of an anonymous type suing
"new" keyword. It is nameless class type that inherits directly from
"object". The members of an anonymous type are a sequence of
read/write properties , it will be initialize while creating object.
var emp = new { ID =
"1001", Name = "Ram", Designation = "SE" };
Console.WriteLine("Emp ID:
"+emp.ID );
Console.WriteLine("Emp Name:
" + emp.Name);
Implemented Properties
In earlier for creating property inside a class, we need to
create a private member and create a property that private member for accessing
this member field. But in case of C#3.0 we can automatically implement the
properties without member field.
public class Employee
public string EmpID
{ get; set; }
public string Name
{ get; set; }
public int Age
get; set; }
Extension Methods
It is a new feature in c# 3.0, which allows developer to add
functionality in existing class without modifying the existing class or
recompiling the existing class or extending the existing class.
E.g: In this example we have extended the "string"
class with new method "AppendedMyString()"
public static class
public static string
AppendedMyString(this string s)
return s +
string a;
Language integrated
2. How will you declare implicit type
type variable can be declared using "var" keyword. In implicitly
typed local variable declaration, the type of the local variable being declared
is inferred from the expression used to initialize the variable.
declaring implicit type variable it should follow these restrictions.
The declarator must
include an initializer.
The initializer must
be an expression.
The initializer
expression must have a compile-time type which cannot be the null type.
The local variable
declaration cannot include multiple declarators.
The initializer cannot
refer to the declared variable itself
var b = 6;
var c = "Hello";
var d = 1.0;
var numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3
var orders = new Dictionary();
var name; //Invalid declartion
3. How will you declare collection of object
using c# 3.0?
of object can be initialize using { and } parenthesis and separated by commas.
In the below example we have declared the Employee class with EmpID and Name
properties. While creating the collection of employee, we have created new
instance for employee and assign value to all the properties as shown below.
public class Employee
string _empID;
public string EmpID
get { return _empID; }
set { _empID = value; }
string _name;
public string Name
get { return _name; }
set { _name = value; }
//Object and
Collection Initializers
List empColl = new List { new Employee() {
EmpID = "1001", Name = "Sam" }
, new Employee() { EmpID =
"1002", Name = "Ram" } };
foreach (Employee emp in empColl)
Console.WriteLine(emp.Name );
4. What is mean by Anonymous type?
c# 3.0, we can create an object of an anonymous type suing "new"
keyword. It is nameless class type that inherits directly from
"object". The members of an anonymous type are a sequence of
read/write properties, it will be initializing while creating object.
var emp = new { ID =
"1001", Name = "Ram", Designation = "SE" };
Console.WriteLine("Emp ID:
"+emp.ID );
Console.WriteLine("Emp Name:
" + emp.Name);
5. How will you declare property in c# 3.0?
C#3.0 we can declare member of the class as Property without creating member
field for specific property. In the below example we have created the Employee
class with EmpID, Name and Age property.
public class Employee
public string EmpID
{ get; set; }
public string Name
{ get; set; }
public int Age
{ get; set; }
6. What is mean by Extension method?
is a new feature in c# 3.0, which allows developer to add functionality in
existing class without modifying the existing class or recompiling the existing
class or extending the existing class.
declaring implicit type variable it should follow these restrictions.
• Extended method
should be public and static
• First parameter
should be decorated with modifier "this", i.e it takes extenting
class as first parameter and it is called as Instance Parameter.
• No other modifers
like "ref", "out" etc are allowed with "this"
• The instance
parameter can not be a pointer type.
• The instance
parameter can not have the type of the type parameter. The below is not
public static int Obj
(this T param)
• If an extension
method conflicts with a member method of target type , always member method is
get invoked instead of extension method.
In this example we have extended the "string" class with new method
public static class
public static string
AppendedMyString(this string s)
return s +
string a;
7. What is the use of Extension method?
It is used to extends
the existing type (either value type or reference type)by adding new methods
without deriving it into a new type.
Microsoft intelligence
support, which could show all extension method accessible to a given
8. What is mean by Predicate and Projection?
Predicate – It is a Boolean
expression that is intended to indicate membership of an element in a group.
Example: it is used to define how to filter items inside a loop.
(age) => age >
Projection - is an expression that returns a type different from the type
of its single parameter. E.g
//Projection: take
sting as parameter and return int
(str) => str.Length
C H A P T E R 8
Goals of this chapter:
■ Define
new C# 4.0 language features.
■ Demonstrate
the new language features in the context of LINQ to Objects.
C# is an evolving
language. This chapter looks at the new features added
into C# 4.0 that
combine to improve code readability and extend your ability
to leverage LINQ to
Object queries over dynamic data sources. The
examples in this
chapter show how to improve the coding model for developers
around reading data
from various sources, including text files and
how to combine data
from a COM-Interop source into a LINQ
Objects query.
Evolution of C#
C# is still a
relatively new language (circa 2000) and is benefiting from continuing
investment by
Microsoft’s languages team. The C# language is an
standard. (ECMA is an acronym for European Computer
Association, and although it changed its name to Ecma
International in
1994, it kept the name Ecma for historical reasons.1) The
standard ECMA-334
and ISO/IEC 23270:2006 is freely available online at
the Ecma
International website2 and
describes the language syntax and
notation. However,
Microsoft’s additions to the language over several versions
take some time to
progress through the standards process, so
Microsoft’s release
cycle leads Ecma’s acceptance by at least a version.
Each version of C#
has a number of new features and generally a major
theme. The major
themes have been generics and nullable types in C# 2.0,
234 Chapter 8 C# 4.0 Features
LINQ in C# 3.0, and
dynamic types in C# 4.0. The major features added
in each release are
generally considered to be the following:
■ C# 2.0—Generics (.NET Framework support
was added, and C#
benefited from
this); iterator pattern (the yield keyword); anonymous
methods (the delegate keyword),
nullable types, and the null
coalescing operator
■ C# 3.0—Anonymous types, extension
methods, object initializers,
initializers, implicitly typed local variables (var keyword),
lambda expressions
and the LINQ query expression pattern.
■ C# 4.0—Optional Parameters and Named
Arguments, Dynamic
typing (dynamic type),
improved COM-Interop, and Contra and
The new features in
C# 3.0 that launched language support for LINQ
can be found in
Chapter 2, “Introducing LINQ to Objects,” and this chapter
documents each of
the major new features in C# 4.0 from the perspective of
how they impact the
LINQ story.
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments
A long-requested
feature for C# was to allow for method parameters to be
optional. Two
closely related features in C# 4.0 fulfill this role and enable
us to either omit
arguments that have a defined default value when calling
a method, and to
pass arguments by name rather than position when calling
a method.
parameters and named parameters are sometimes called optional
and named arguments. These names are used interchangeably in this
book, and
in most literature, including the C# 4.0 specification that uses
both, sometimes in
the same section. I use “argument” when referring to a value
passed in from a
method call and “parameter” when referring to the method
The main benefit of
these features is to improve COM-Interop programming
(which is covered
shortly) and to reduce the number of method
overloads created
to support a wide range of parameter overloads. It is a
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments 235
common programming
pattern to have a master method signature containing
all parameters
(with the actual implementation) chained to a number
of overloaded
methods that have a lesser parameter signature set calling
the master method
with hard-coded default values. This common coding
pattern becomes
unnecessary when optional parameters are used in
the definition of
the aforementioned master method signature, arguably
improving code
readability and debugging by reducing clutter. (See Listing
8-2 for an example
of the old and new way to create multiple overloads.)
There has been
fierce debate on these features on various email lists
and blogs. Some C#
users believe that these features are not necessary and
uncertainty in versioning. For example if version 2 of an assembly
changes a default
parameter value for a particular method, client code
that was assuming a
specific default might break. This is true, but the existing
chained method call
pattern suffers from a similar issue—default values
are coded into a
library or application somewhere, so thinking about
when and how to
handle these hard-coded defaults would be necessary
using either the
existing chained method pattern or the new optional
parameters and
named arguments. Given that optional parameters were
left out of the
original C# implementation (even when the .NET Runtime
had support and
VB.NET utilized this feature), we must speculate that
although this
feature is unnecessary for general programming, coding COMInterop
libraries without
this feature is unpleasant and at times infuriating—
hence, optional
parameters and specifying arguments by name has now
made its way into
the language.
COM-Interop code
has always suffered due to C#’s inability to handle
optional parameters
as a concept. Many Microsoft Office Component
Object Model (COM) libraries, like those built to automate Excel or
Word for instance,
have method signatures that contain 25 optional
Previously you had no choice but to pass dummy arguments
until you reached
the “one” you wanted and then fill in the remaining
arguments until you
had fulfilled all 25. Optional parameters and named
arguments solve
this madness, making coding against COM interfaces
much easier and
cleaner. The code shown in Listing 8-1 demonstrates the
before and after
syntax of a simple Excel COM-Interop call to open an
Excel spreadsheet.
It shows how much cleaner this type of code can be
written when using
C# 4.0 versus any of its predecessors.
236 Chapter 8 C# 4.0 Features
8-1 Comparing the existing way to call
COM-Interop and the new way using
optional parameters
// Old way – before optional parameters
var excel = new
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook workBook =
excel.Workbooks.Open(fileName, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing,
// do work with Excel...
workBook.Close(false, fileName);
// New Way – Using optional parameters
var excel = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application();
workBook =
// do work with Excel...
workBook.Close(false, fileName);
The addition of
object initializer functionality in C# 3.0 took over some of
the workload of
having numerous constructor overloads by allowing public
properties to be
set in line with a simpler constructor (avoiding having a
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments 237
constructor for
every Select projection needed). Optional parameters and
named arguments
offer an alternative way to simplify coding a LINQ Select
projection by
allowing variations of a type’s constructor with a lesser set of
parameters. Before
diving into how to use these features in LINQ queries, it
is necessary to
understand the syntax and limitations of these new features.
Optional Parameters
The first new
feature allows default parameters to be specified in a method
signature. Callers
of methods defined with default values can omit those
arguments without
having to define a specific overload matching that lesser
parameter list for
To define a default
value in a method signature, you simply add a constant
expression as the
default value to use when omitted, similar to member
initialization and
constant definitions. A simple example method definition
that has one
mandatory parameter (p1, just like normal) and an
optional parameter
definition (p2)
takes the following form:
public void MyMethod( int p1, int p2 = 5 );
The following
invocations of method MyMethod are legal (will compile)
and are
functionally equivalent as far as the compiler is concerned:
MyMethod( 1, 5 );
MyMethod( 1 ); // the declared
default for p2 (5) is used
The rules when
defining a method signature that uses optional parameters
1. Required
parameters cannot appear after any optional parameter.
2. The default
specified must be a constant expression available at
compile time or a
value type constructor without parameters, or
default(T) where T is
a value type.
3. The constant
expression must be implicitly convertible by an identity
(or nullable
conversion) to the type of the parameter.
4. Parameters with
a ref or
out modifier
cannot be optional parameters.
5. Parameter arrays
can occur after optional parameters,
but these cannot
have a default value assigned. If the value is omitted
by the calling
invocation, an empty parameter array is used in
either case,
achieving the same results.
238 Chapter 8 C# 4.0 Features
Valid optional
parameter definitions take the following form:
public void M1(string s, int i = 1) { }
public void M2(Point p = new Point()) { }
public void M3(Point p = default(Point)) { }
public void M4(int i = 1, params string[]
values) { }
The following
method definitions using optional parameters will not
//”Optional parameters must appear after
all required parameters”
public void M1 (int i = 1, string s) {}
//”Default parameter value for ‘p’ must be
a compile-time constant”
//(Can’t use a constructor that has
public void M2(Point p = new Point(0,0)) {}
//”Default parameter value for ‘p’ must be
a compile-time constant”
//(Must be a value type (struct or
built-in value types only))
public void M5(StringBuilder p = new StringBuilder()) {}
//”A ref or out parameter cannot have a
default value”
public void M6(int i = 1, out string s = ””) {}
//”Cannot specify a default value for a
parameter array”
public void M7(int i = 1, params string[]
values = ”test”) {}
To understand how
optional parameters reduce our code, Listing 8-2
shows a traditional
overloaded method pattern and the equivalent
optional parameter
8-2 Comparing the traditional cascaded
method overload pattern to the new
optional parameter syntax pattern
// Old way – before optional parameters
public class OldWay
// multiple overloads call the one master
// implementation of a method that handles
all inputs
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments 239
public void DoSomething(string formatString)
// passing 0 as param1 default,
// and true as param2 default.
DoSomething(formatString, 0, true);
public void DoSomething(string formatString,
int param1)
DoSomething(formatString, param1, true);
public void DoSomething(string formatString,
bool param2)
DoSomething(formatString, 0, param2);
// the actual implementation. All
variations call this
// method to implement the methods
public void DoSomething(
string formatString,
int param1,
bool param2)
String.Format(formatString, param1, param2));
// New Way – Using optional parameters
public class NewWay
// optional parameters have a default
// optional parameters must come after
normal params.
public void DoSomething(
string formatString,
int param1 = 0,
bool param2 = true)
String.Format(formatString, param1, param2));
240 Chapter 8 C# 4.0 Features
Named Arguments
Traditionally, the
position of the arguments passed to a method call identified
which parameter
that value matched. It is possible in C# 4.0 to
specify arguments
by name, in addition to position. This is helpful when
many parameters are
optional and you need to target a specific parameter
without having to
specify all proceeding optional parameters.
Methods can be
called with any combination of positionally specified
and named
arguments, as long as the following rules are observed:
1. If you are going
to use a combination of positional and named
arguments, the
positional arguments must be passed first. (They
cannot come after
named arguments.)
2. All non-optional
parameters must be specified somewhere in the
invocation, either
by name or position.
3. If an argument
is specified by position, it cannot then be specified
by name as well.
To understand the
basic syntax, the following example creates a
System.Drawing.Point by
using named arguments. It should be noted
that there is no
constructor for this type that takes the y-size, x-size by position—
this reversal is
solely because of named arguments.
// reversing the order of arguments.
Point p1 = new Point(y: 100, x: 10);
The following
method invocations will not compile:
//”Named argument ‘x’ specifies a parameter
for which a
// positional argument has already been
Point p3 = new Point(10, x: 10);
// “Named argument specifications must
appear after all
// fixed arguments have been specified”
Point p4 = new Point(y: 100, 10);
// “The best overload for ‘.ctor’ does not
have a
// parameter named ‘x’”
Point p5 = new Point(x: 10);
Optional Parameters and Named Arguments 241
To demonstrate how
to mix and match optional parameters and named
arguments within
method or constructor invocation calls, the code shown
in Listing 8-3
calls the method definition for NewWay in Listing 8-2.
8-3 Mixing and matching positional and
named arguments in a method
invocation for methods that have optional and mandatory parameters
NewWay newWay = new NewWay();
// skipping an optional parameter
”({0},{1}) New way - param1 skipped.”,
param2: false);
// any order, but if it doesn’t have a
// it must be specified by name somewhere!
param2: false,
formatString: ”({0},{1}) New way - params specified” +
” by name, in any order.”,
param1: 5);
Using Named Arguments and Optional Parameters
in LINQ Queries
Named arguments and
optional parameters offer an alternative way to
reduce code in LINQ
queries, especially regarding flexibility in what
parameters can be
omitted in an object constructor.
Although anonymous
types make it convenient to project the results of
a query into an
object with a subset of defined properties, these anonymous
types are scoped to
the local method. To share a type across methods,
types, or
assemblies, a concrete type is needed, meaning the accumulation
of simple types or
constructor methods just to hold variations of data
shape projections.
Object initializers reduce this need by allowing a concrete
type to have a
constructor without parameters and public properties
used to assign
values in the Select projection. Object-oriented purists take
issue with a
parameterless constructor being a requirement; it can lead
to invalid objects
being created by users who are unaware that certain
242 Chapter 8 C# 4.0 Features
properties must be
set before an object is correctly initialized for use—an
opinion I strongly
agree with. (You can’t compile using the object initialization
syntax unless the
type concerned has a parameterless constructor,
even if there are
other constructors defined that take arguments.)
Optional parameters
and named arguments can fill this gap. Data can
be projected from
queries into concrete types, and the author of that concrete
type can ensure
that the constructor maintains integrity by defining
the default values
to use when an argument is omitted. Many online discussions
have taken place
discussing if this is a good pattern; one camp
thinks it doesn’t hurt
code readability or maintainability to use optional
parameters in a
constructor definition, and the other says refactoring
makes it an easy
developer task to define the various constructors required
in a given type,
and hence of no value. I see both sides of that argument
and will leave it
up to you to decide where it should be employed.
To demonstrate how
to use named arguments and optional parameters
from a LINQ query,
the example shown in Listing 8-4 creates a subset of
contact records (in
this case, contacts from California) but omits the email
and phone details.
The Console output from this example is shown in
Output 8-1.
8-4 Example LINQ query showing how to use
named arguments and optional
parameters to assist in projecting a lighter version of a larger
type—see Output 8-1
var q = from c in Contact.SampleData()
where c.State == ”CA”
select new Contact(
c.FirstName, c.LastName,
state: c.State,
dateOfBirth: c.DateOfBirth
foreach (var c in q)
Console.WriteLine(”{0}, {1} ({2}) - {3}”,
c.LastName, c.FirstName,
c.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString(), c.State);
public class Contact
// constructor defined with optional
public Contact(
string firstName,
string lastName,
Dynamic Typing 243
DateTime dateOfBirth,
string email = ”unknown”, // optional
string phone = ””, // optional
string state = ”Other”) // optional
FirstName = firstName;
LastName = lastName;
DateOfBirth = dateOfBirth;
Email = email;
Phone = phone;
State = state;
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public static List<Contact>
SampleData() ...
// sample data the same as used in Table
Gottshall, Barney (10/19/1945) - CA
Deane, Jeffery (12/16/1950) - CA
Dynamic Typing
The wow feature of
C# 4.0 is the addition of dynamic typing. Dynamic
languages such as Python
and Ruby have major followings and have
formed a reputation
of being super-productive languages for building
certain types of
The main difference
between these languages and C# or VB.NET is
the type system and
specifically when (and how) member names and
method names are
resolved. C# and VB.NET require (or required, as you
will see) that static types be
available during compile time and will fail if a
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